Eglauch, Leonard
Leonard Eglauch, (also Eglau or Ecclaugh). Piano teacher, organist, b Germany, d Montreal? ca 1886. He is mentioned first in newspapers in 1842 as a piano recitalist and accompanist in Kingston, Upper Canada (Ontario) and Quebec City and as a teacher in Montreal. For the first eight months of 1845 he was the organist at Notre-Dame Church in Montreal. Though he was dismissed, 'having given [his employer] grave cause for dissatisfaction,' it is not known whether the 'grave cause' was musical. Indeed Gustave Smith described him as a talented and original musician and a good pianist who enjoyed analysing the classical masterworks. He was feared, however, by his pupils for his temperamental teaching manner. He was listed in Montreal city directories as a piano teacher but he also advertised 1857-8 as a piano dealer.