Jean Bochart de Champigny | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Jean Bochart de Champigny

Jean Bochart de Champigny , chevalier, INTENDANT of New France 1686-1702 (b after 1645; d at Hâvre-de-Grâce, France Dec 1720). A competent and conscientious intendant, Champigny worked to sustain military preparedness during 13 years of war with the Iroquois nations and the British.

Champigny, Jean Bochart de

Jean Bochart de Champigny , chevalier, INTENDANT of New France 1686-1702 (b after 1645; d at Hâvre-de-Grâce, France Dec 1720). A competent and conscientious intendant, Champigny worked to sustain military preparedness during 13 years of war with the Iroquois nations and the British. He participated in the treaty negotiations with Iroquois, signed at Montréal in 1701. Champigny encouraged the cultivation of flax and hemp and the fishing and forestry industries. He instituted reforms in military supply as well as social reforms such as a system of poor relief. After his return to France in 1702, he often acted as an adviser to the minister in charge of Canadian affairs.