Rolland Brunelle | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Rolland Brunelle

Rolland Brunelle. Educator, violinist, b Joliette, Que, 29 May 1911. After studies in piano, violin, solfège, and voice, he turned to teaching.

He took part in many musical activities in Joliette, conducting the band, the vocal ensembles and the orchestra of the Séminaire where he had completed his classical studies. He was ordained priest in 1937, after which he worked at the Séminaire de Joliette 1939-78. A European stay 1949-50 allowed him to study sacred song at the St-Cecilia Academy in Rome and at the Catholic Institute of Paris, Gregorian chant at Solesmes, counterpoint at the École César-Franck, and violin at the Brussels Cons. He taught at the Camp musical de Lanaudière 1966-87 and at the Joliette Cegep. In 1970 he founded the Orchestre symphonique des jeunes de Joliette. He received the Canadian Music Council Medal in 1983 for his contribution to teaching and to the promotion of music in the Lanaudière region. The hall of the Collège de Joliette was named Salle Rolland-Brunelle in his honour. His pupils include Angele Dubeau.

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