Paul Gouin is the son of Lomer Gouin and grandson of Honoré Mercier, both former prime ministers of Québec. In 1934 Gouin established the Action Libérale Nationale which attracted reform-minded Liberals and nationalists opposed to the policies of the Taschereau. (Photo taken in 1945 by Conrad Poirier, Biblioth\u00e8que et Archives nationales du Québec, P48,S1,P12381.)
Gouin, Paul
Paul Gouin, lawyer, politician (b at Montréal 20 May 1898; d there 4 Dec 1976), son of Jean-Lomer GOUIN and grandson of Honoré MERCIER, both former prime ministers of Québec. In 1934 Gouin established the ACTION LIBÉRALE NATIONALE which attracted reform-minded Liberals and nationalists opposed to the policies of the TASCHEREAU administration. Prior to the 1935 elections, Gouin formed an alliance with Conservative Party leader Maurice DUPLESSIS; he soon became disenchanted with Duplessis, however, and left the coalition before the 1936 elections which Duplessis's UNION NATIONALE won handily. Most of Gouin's followers abandoned him to follow Duplessis. After the demise of the ALN, Gouin contributed to the foundation of the BLOC POPULAIRE CANADIEN in 1942.