L'Édition Belgo-Canadienne
L'Édition Belgo-Canadienne. Music publishing house founded in Montreal in 1925, with the firm Schott Frères of Brussels as agent for Belgium. Its founder, Louis Michiels, a horn player who held a premier prix from a Belgian conservatory, arrived in Montreal before 1914 and gave lessons in solfège, harmony, piano, and brass instruments. Among his pupils were Lucio Agostini, Jacques Gérard, Jean Kaster, Roland Leduc, Marie-Thérèse Paquin, Roland Poisson, and Ruth Pryce. By 1928 the firm had already published about 40 works by Canadian composers, including Lydia Boucher, George M. Brewer, Albert Chamberland, Alexis Contant, Jean-Baptiste Dubois, Alfred La Liberté, Arthur Letondal, Henri Miro, Charles P. Rice, and Louis Valmont. Plate numbers were used in some cases. Also in the company's catalogue were treatises by the Belgian musicians Mathieu Crickboom and Paul Gilson as well as works by Belgian and French composers, including H.-Maurice Jacquet (Rhapsodie sur un chant canadien and Bouquet de Noëls). Ed Archambault Inc acquired the firm ca 1929 but most of the stock was destroyed by fire ca 1935.