Alfred Rouleau | The Canadian Encyclopedia


Alfred Rouleau

Alfred Rouleau, insurance agent, administrator and president of Mouvement Desjardins (born 19 August 1915 in Sherbrooke, Qué; died 19 October 1985 in Montréal).

Alfred Rouleau

Alfred Rouleau,insurance agent, administrator and president of Mouvement Desjardins (born 19 August 1915 in Sherbrooke, Qué; died 19 October 1985 in Montréal). At first an agent for the Laurentian Mutual Insurance Co, Rouleau was sent to the Montréal office. In 1948 he was asked to become first and founding general manager of Assurance-vie Desjardins by Mouvement Desjardins. He quickly made this institution one of the most dynamic and important life assurance companies in Québec and, concerned about the future of francophone minorities, saw that the company established offices in francophone communities in other provinces.

Under his direction as president (1972-81), Mouvement Desjardins became one of the mainstays of economic life in Québec. Through his involvement with the Caisses populaires, Rouleau took an active interest in the Québec, Canadian and international Co-operative movement and played a leading role in the preparation of laws better suited to the modern needs of co-operative institutions. He was invited to hold a number of prestigious and strategic positions, such as director of the Caisse de dépôt et de placement and of the Bank of Canada, and the Conseil de la coopération du Québec (1976) bestowed on him the Ordre du mérite co-opératif.

The universities of Sherbrooke, Laval and Montréal awarded him honorary doctorates.